At Ashwell School, we follow the Herts for Learning ESSENTIALmaths scheme of work.
ESSENTIALmaths is written to support the curriculum for primary teachers. The sequences are written as a spiral curriculum in which learning is built upon step by step, sequence by sequence and year-on-year. It is aspirational and ensures progression and coverage through the primary phase.
Sequences promote whole class teaching rather than streaming or ability groups – differentiation is implicit throughout. It includes access, modelled examples of resource and pictorial use, intelligent practice, scaffolded practice examples, small step progression and highlighted opportunities for pupils to explore concepts at greater depth.
Documents that support the planning:
Herts for Learning Progression in Bar Modelling - see below
Herts for Learning Mental Maths Progression - see below
Calculations Policy - see below
- Year 1 programme of study
- Year 2 programme of study
- Year 3 programme of study
- Year 4 programme of study
- Year 5 programme of study
- Year 6 programme of study
Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Overview
The following document is to help parents understand what we teach, when we teach it and why we teach it.