Medical Information
First Aid - Accidents & Injuries
Within our school, almost all staff have received some form of first aid training and this is updated every 3 years. Some members of staff have also completed additional first aid training and this includes paediatric first aid where it is required. All staff received school accident / injury protocol training during their induction.
All staff are able to take care of and give a little TLC, to any children who have an accident whilst at school.
- Any minor bumps and scrapes are treated by school staff.
- For children who require first aid treatment, an accident/injury report will be completed on the school's Medical Tracker recording system. This will detail the injury and the treatment given. A summary of this report will then be emailed directly to parents so that parents know what has happened.
- If a child receives a head injury of any form, an accident/injury report will also be completed regardless of whether treatment is required. If there is any doubt over the head injury, we will call families immediately to notify them of a head injury or request they attend to evaluate if further treatment is needed.
- All minor injuries and treatment are monitored for patterns and this is checked during Governor Health & Safety visits.
- More serious accidents / injuries requiring a child to seek further medical attention outside of school, such as A&E or urgent care will result in a full report being completed and submitted to HCC H&S department for review.
At Ashwell School, we strive to do all we can to support excellent attendance and support children with medical conditions and illness. Having said this, we have strict protocol that we are required to follow and also need to balance this with what is expected of our staff.
Key Points:
- Under no circumstances, should a child have medication of any type with them in school with the exception of an asthma inhaler where an asthma card/plan is in place. This includes throat lozenges etc.
- All children with a known medical condition that may require emergency administration of medication in school MUST complete a Health Care Plan with the Headteacher and review this annually or when there are changes required in circumstances.
- Occasionally, a child is well enough to return to school whilst completing a course of medication. We are only able to support administering of short term medication, such as antibiotics, when it has been prescribed that 4 doses per day is required. In these cases a parent must complete a medication administration form stating the type of medication, the details of dosage to be administered and any other relevant details. Medicines must be in their original packaging and clearly marked with the child’s name and dosage instructions and handed in at the office.
- Class teachers are not to be given or administer any medicines to children.
- The school are NOT responsible for routinely administering medication such as calpol or nurofen, this should be done at home before coming into school or parents should arrange to attend school to administer if necessary. We will on exceptional occasions be able to accommodate administering this.
*Please note that where a medicine is to be taken three times a day there is no need for it to come into school. It is quite acceptable to give one dose at home before school, the second at home time and the third at bedtime.
For additional information, please refer to our Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions in School Policy.