School Closures
We have to be prepared for every eventuality and this may mean that, in exceptional circumstances, the school may have to close. Whatever the situation, I will endeavour to keep the school open. The deciding factor is ensuring the site is safe for staff and pupils.
Procedure for Extreme Weather
In the event of extreme weather conditions, we would like to remind you of the procedures that we will follow. Any decision to close Ashwell School would be made if at all possible by 7.00 am, although please bear in mind that it is possible that conditions can on occasion change dramatically hour by hour. Please check regularly for updated information as follows.
- Newsflash on the homepage of the school website
- Email Sent via Arbor to all parents and contacts
- Twitter post @AshwellSchool
- MarvellousMe Message via app
- HCC website Herts County Council
- Local radio – BBC 3 Counties Radio 103.8 FM