Home Learning Activities
For those families wishing to continue supporting their child’s learning at home during the summer holiday the class teachers have prepared some resources.
We are extremely aware that should your child be off of school – physical activity is essential in keeping well and healthy.
GoNoodle: Obviously nothing is going to be a full replacement for good, old-fashioned fresh air and time outside. But if the weather isn’t cooperating with your social distancing plans and is forcing you to stay inside, give GoNoodle a shot. Recommended by teachers who use it in their own classrooms, GoNoodle is a great resource for getting kids up and moving with fun, colourful, musical games and activities.
Also worth a try: http://www.yogabugs.com
Why not play this Fitness Monopoly
FOR ALL AGES – A wide range of resources / activities and games covering a variety of curriculum areas
Practise your multiplication tables and have fun (Y3-6 children have a login): https://ttrockstars.com/
Access the Ashwell Purple Mash Portal with your child’s log in to find a huge range of activities and tools. Teachers will also set “2Dos” on here: https://www.purplemash.com/sch/ashwell
In addition to the ideas below, Twinkl have also set up free learning resources for parents to access to support home learning from EYFS right through to KS3/4. Access is easy to set up and you just need to set up an account yourselves via the link below using the code UKTWINKLHELPS
Go to: www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
- Twinkl EYFS Resources
- Twinkl Year 1 Resources
- Twinkl Year 2 Resources
- Twinkl Year 3 Resources
- Twinkl Year 4 Resources
- Twinkl Year 5 Resources
- Twinkl Year 6 Resources
Useful Websites
- https://hungrylittleminds.campaign.gov.uk/#information – The Government’s Hungry Little Minds campaign suggests a range of activities for children from 0 to 5. The website includes a list of apps that could be used at home on suitable devices.
- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary – This covers both key stage 1 (KS1) and KS2 (KS2) for a wide range of subjects
- https://www.nationalnumeracy.org.uk/ – This is a really good website with lots of useful resources. It is designed to raise standards of numeracy across the country for both children and adults and it has specific areas for parents who want to help their children.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
Websites to support phonics and reading
- http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
- www.starfall.com
- http://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/letters-and-sounds
- http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
- https://www.spellingcity.com/
- https://www.spellingcity.com/
Websites to support times tables
Websites to support maths fluency
Websites to support computing
If you are feeling more confident, please remember that you can access more details curriculum content for your child’s year group in our curriculum section of the website and use this as a basis for teaching core skills.