Uniform and Equipment
Our school uniform is as follows:
- Navy trousers / shorts / skirt / culottes / skort / pinafore dress
- Navy gingham summer dress / playsuit
- Emerald polo shirt – embroidered or plain
- Navy crew neck or V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with embroidered school logo
- White or dark socks or navy tights
- Dark shoes, boots or plain dark trainers
PE Kit
- Navy bottoms
- Plain white T-shirt
- Trainers / plimsolls
- Navy tracksuit top
*We politely request that all clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name
With the exception of the embroidered school jumper or cardigan, all items are available for purchase from high street clothing retailers and supermarkets.
The full uniform including embroidered items is available to purchase through
Please can you ensure that your child/ren adhere to the following:
- Practical, weather appropriate, clothes for both classroom and outdoor playtimes.
- Coats should be warm, waterproof and have a hood.
- Shoes should be sturdy, low heeled and suitable for running around outside e.g. trainers or proper shoes.
- Mid/long length hair needs to be tied back or plaited.
- For Health and Safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school. The exceptions to this rule are one pair of plain earring studs in pierced ears and a watch. Stud earrings should be removed or recently pierced ears should be taped over with a plaster (provided by parents) for PE and swimming and watches removed to prevent them causing injury. Please Note: staff do not put ear studs, etc. back in if the child cannot manage it.