Pupil Voice
At Ashwell Primary School we believe that our pupils are the most important people! Our head teacher, Mr England, is always keen to know what the children think and they have lots of opportunities to share their thoughts on school issues – both formally and informally.
School Council
The main aim of the School Council is to help to make our school a better place for the children and to give the children an opportunity to have their opinions and ideas heard. Each class from Year One upwards has two representatives who are elected every year. The school council usually meet about once a month with Mr England to talk about a range of issues.
The class representatives tell the children in their classes what has been discussed at each meeting and the children can ask the representatives to take forward their ideas to the next meeting. One of the Year 6 pupils takes minutes of the meeting and everybody gets a fair say and nobody gets left out. The children also have their own noticeboard to help keep all the children informed.
So far this year the school council have had the opportunity to give their views on school dinners with Helen Walker from Herts Catering and will be involved in deciding how our school grounds will be developed and improved. They also have lots of ideas for fundraising events during the year.
Play Leaders
In our school some of the Year 5 pupils have been trained as Play Leaders. These children are skilled at helping the children to work and play together in school and to recognise when some children are having difficult times in the playground. Our ‘Friendship Stop’ is where children stand when they would like the Play Leaders to help them.