Homework activities are available on your child’s Google Classroom page. Contact the school if you do not know how to access Google Classroom. Please see our Homework policy for our intent and expectations for homework at Ashwell Primary or ask your child’s teacher. Full details can be found in our Homework Policy here.
Here is the summary of homework expectations:
New homework activities are posted in your child’s Google Classroom weekly. They will appear in the relevant section (described below) and also in the Stream.
The topics on Google Classroom are as follows:
Homework – Weekly Overview and Spellings
Every week, teachers post an overview of activities to be completed during the week, and a weekly spelling sheet for years 1-6. This sheet should not be handed in, it is simply provided for practice. Use the sheet as you see fit – print and ask your child to use it for practice, or refer to the spellings from the list to complete some of the spelling activities provided in Spelling Resources.
Spelling Resources
Contains suggestions for ways to practise spellings.
Maths Resources
Suggestions for ways to practice core skills from the mathematics curriculum.
There is also a Home Learning pack from Teach Active, containing some activities designed to keep your child active while learning and away from a screen.
On page 2 of the Home Learning pack, is a list of core skills for Maths and English that are taught during your child’s academic year. Please practise these skills at home too.
Reading Resources
This section contains suggestions for reading activities and comprehension questions to ask your child while you listen to them read.
Useful Web Links
A selection of websites used in school to supplement your child’s learning.
It contains a link to Go-Read, which is your child’s online reading record. Please log in to Go-Read on a regular basis to log your child’s reading or to monitor the reading that your child’s teacher is recording. Older children are taught how to use Go-Read independently. Please encourage children who are in year 3 upwards to log their reading at home.